Summary Care Record (SCR)
Currently, all patients personal information i.e name, address & NHS number etc are held on the patient demographic spine (PDS).
A summary care record will soon be uploaded on to the PDS for all NHS patients, it will contain information for health professionals to access across the country, and will contain your medication, known allergies and previous adverse reactions.
If you do not wish for this information to be uploaded onto the patient demographic spine, then you must inform us by completing an ‘opt-out form’ available at reception or on the summary care record website.
Once we receive this opt-out form for each individual, we can then, and only then code your records accordingly, so that your medical information is not uploaded.
I must reiterate that your personal information will remain.
The completed opt-out form will also be scanned to your records, you can choose to opt-in again at a later date if you wish.
As part of our vision online access soon you will be able to access a summary of your own medical record, this will be a minimum of access to allergies/medication. This is a contractual requirement by 31/3/15. We in the process now of having this updated on our system.