You can register online by using the first button below. If you prefer to register in person, you can download the registration form using the second button below.
Make sure your postcode is within our catchment area by checking under “How to Register” (see below). If you need help, please call the practice.
To register in person, visit the practice Monday to Friday between 12pm – 1pm and 3pm – 4pm.
How to register
Before registering with the practice, please enter your postcode below to ensure you live within our catchment area.
Catchment Area
We prefer to register all persons or family members living with you in order to offer the full range of our services.
We are a Safe Surgery. You do not have to show any ID or proof of address.
N:B Please make sure to register with the NHS App for most of our patient communication needs. You can get instant advice, book appointments, order repeat prescriptions, view your GP medical record, and more. Visit our online services for further information.
New patients can register with some practices even if they are outside the catchment area, but this is not our policy.
If you are an existing patient and move out of our catchment area, you can apply to stay registered by completing an out-of-area form. You will need to confirm that you won’t request home visits. For more details, please speak to a member of our team.
Please note that we may choose not to register you if we feel it is not clinically appropriate or practical. This decision is made by the practice and cannot be appealed. Each case will be looked at individually.
What happens Next
You will be offered an appointment with the healthcare assistant for a new patient check if new to the country, and an appointment with the doctor if you are taking prescribed medication. We would prefer a copy of immunisation records for all under 5s.
Those patients who already have had a GP in the UK, are not necessarily required to have a new patient health check as 95% practices now transfer medical records electronically, however, if this is preferable please book an appointment with our HCA two weeks after registering with us.
Please obtain your NHS number from your previous GP to assist us with processing your registration with us, and locating your medical records.
Providing Proxy Access to a family member or carer
We introduced proxy access to help patient manage your GP health and care by authorising another person to
- Order repeat prescriptions
- Book appointments
- Contact the surgery or speaking to surgery staff
- View results or vaccinations
- Access GP health record
To set up proxy access we require online access form to be completed and asking patient to provide photo ID.
How to link profiles on NHS App for Proxy Access
Named Accountable GP for All Patients
Each of our registered patients has a Named Accountable GP. New patients will be informed of their Accountable GP when they register. If you’re unsure who your named GP is, please ask our reception team. You can also request a different GP if you have a preference.
Overseas Patients
We welcome patients from overseas to register with us as full patients if they have moved to England permanently. If you are visiting from abroad, the NHS currently provides free emergency treatment at doctors’ surgeries, Accident & Emergency Departments, and walk-in centres.
Please see the pages on the NHS website;
Temporary Patients
If you have someone visiting you who needs to see a doctor, they can be seen in the usual way but they will need to fill out a temporary resident form. A record of the consultation will then be forwarded to their own registered doctor. Temporary Residents cannot be placed on the triage list until form completed.
Non-English Speakers
These fact sheets explain the UK health services (NHS) for people who are new to the country and seeking asylum. They cover topics like the role of GPs, how they manage access to healthcare, and how to register and use emergency services. The information is written in clear language and has been tested with different groups to ensure it’s easy to understand.
You can access the leaflets in various languages here: